Examine your breasts. Come for a mammogram! - Hetmańska

Examine your breasts. Come for a mammogram!

from 03.10 to 03.10

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Take a moment to take care of what is most precious – your health.

We invite women to participate in mammogram examinations.

Mammogram examinations will be available in a professional mammobus in front of our Shopping Centre on Thursday, October 3rd from 9:00 to 17:00. To conveniently use the examination and avoid queuing, it is worth signing up for it by calling 42 254 64 17. You should have your PESEL number ready for registration.

Free mammography tests are available to women aged 45 to 74 who have not had any tests performed in the last 2 years.

Other women will also be able to take advantage of the test, but it will be charged at PLN 130.

When reporting for the test, the patient should bring her ID card and the results of a previous breast test, if any. This test does not require any additional preparation. It is best to report in two-piece clothing so that you can easily undress from the waist up.

The test will take less than fifteen minutes and involves performing 4 projections (two for each breast). Radiologists from the Medica Medical Centre will perform them in the mammobus in front of our shopping mall.

The images will be sent to the clinic, where a specialist will prepare a description. The patient will receive information about the result via text message or e-mail. If a worrying change is detected, the patient will receive a description by registered mail, a referral for further tests, and advice on what steps to take to start treatment.

Mammography is an effective method of early detection of breast cancer. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the greater the chances of complete recovery! Therefore, it is not worth delaying this test.