Magical Children's Day - Hetmańska

Magical Children’s Day

from 01.06 to 01.06

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Children’s Day is just around the corner, and with it comes time for madness, carefree fun and making dreams come true! On this special day, our Centre will turn into a magical land to which all children are invited.

On Saturday, June 1st, little guests will be able to take part in games full of magic and surprises. The event will start at 11:00 a.m. and last until 5:00 p.m.

The main point of the program will be shows by illusionist Bartek Fedorczyk. During the performances, young viewers will witness unusual phenomena: objects will float in the air, disappear and appear in unexpected places.

After each show, there will be magical workshops during which children will discover the secrets of tricks with cards, tokens and scarves. They will learn to make everyday objects dance in their hands, disappearing and reappearing like ghosts.

An additional attraction will be “secret knowledge” competitions, during which participants will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of fascinating topics. In addition, it will be possible to participate in a competition involving building structures from a deck of cards, and the prize will be awarded to the person who builds the tallest structure.

There will also be a fun and creative activity – drawing on the back, which will bring a lot of joy to both children and parents. Prizes are waiting for all competition participants, so it’s worth joining in the fun and trying your hand at it!

Let the Magical Children’s Day in our Centre become a unique adventure, full of joy and entertainment!